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Latest Belmont Rotaract Community Activities

Rotamart Box Duty

Rotaractors were up early for the entire month of August on the boxes at the entrance of Belmont Rotarmart. Even though it was rainy and cold they still managed to have fun!

The Rotarmart is every Sunday morning at 6:30am to 10:00am. We ask for everyone going to please donate a gold coin.

Clean up Belmont

A BBQ ended the clean up day when the Belmont Rotaract Community and Belmont Rotarians collected rubbish to clean up a local park in the Belmont area.

Science Week August 2020

The Rotaract members went down to Oakwood Primary School and ran an event for 100 Year 5 students. Create a boat from the kit provided and we will support you. The Year 5 students wrote lovely thank you letters to the Rotaract students.

Belmont Rotaract Board Members

Jordan Davies, Luke Calarese, Brea (Secretary), Emily Davies President, Nic Moody (Vice President) and Michael Calarese (Treasurer)


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